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Jessica + EJ – Hayloft on the Arch

People say college is the most common time that lifelong bonds are formed, and that seems to have been the case with Jessica and E.J. When they were both attending colleges- Nazareth and R.I.T, the two met while at a party. Sparks flew as E.J pushed his phone over to Jessica and asked if he could “have her information”. They still laugh about that story today because of the way that E.J asked, and, okay, so maybe there weren’t sparks right then, but, obviously, it worked because here they still are! After spending a few months together during college, they decided to continue their relationship while being long distance. Whether it was from Buffalo to Utica, Syracuse to Rochester, or Syracuse to Seattle, when they weren’t with each other they felt like their hearts were not full, and that something was missing. They told us “We complete one another and when we are together it’s overwhelming how much love there is.”

Before I get into their wedding day, I feel it’s only fitting to share their proposal story! On their fifth anniversary, after starting their lives together in Seattle, they went out to brunch to celebrate. After the meal, E.J asked Jessica if they could take a walk together. As they made the hike up a huge hill to a park overlooking the skyline of the city, E.J was a bit out of breath. Jessica thought it seemed out of character because they have made that same hike several times before and it had never bothered him quite like that. Little did she know that the shortness of breath was all nerves, and all of a sudden, he was down on one knee with a ring in hand!

The wedding day itself was a perfect celebration of all the memories that they have already shared and an awesome way to start the next chapter of their lives together. Their Ceremony held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church was beautiful and their fur baby, Charlie, was even present in her parent’s marriage, serving as the ring-pup! The reception was hosted at Hayloft on the Arch, where the weather was perfect for a fun-filled cocktail hour with all of the best lawn games! Between the dancing and speeches, it was easy to see that this was a celebration rooted in family and friendship. Jessica and E.J also took the time to make a speech, and it was heartwarming to hear as they thanked everyone for being there. Then as we went outside for some sunset photos with them both following dinner, Jessica said to us, that the day was so perfect it almost felt like a dream! That was one of the sweetest things we’ve heard! Their wedding truly was wonderfully perfect, and we were so happy to have been a part of it! Congratulations Jessica and E.J!

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